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Volume 03, Issue 2-3

Double Issue: Emergent Studies of Science and Technology in Southeast Asia
book review

Techno/Bio Politics: Contemporary Science, Medicine and Technology

Maiko Watanabe
Techno/Bio Politics: Contemporary Science, Medicine and Technology
book review

Classifying Lives: Social Modernity and Medical Strategies in the Twentieth Century

Akinobu Takabayashi
Classifying Lives: Social Modernity and Medical Strategies in the Twentieth Century
Research Article

Challenging Nuclear: Antinuclear Movements in Postauthoritarian Indonesia

Sulfikar Amir
Challenging Nuclear: Antinuclear Movements in Postauthoritarian Indonesia
Research Article

The Scientist, the Governor, and the Planter: The Political Economy of Agricultural Knowledge in Indochina During the Creation of a “Science of Rubber,” 1900–1940

Michitake Aso
The Scientist, the Governor, and the Planter: The Political Economy of Agricultural Knowledge in Indochina During the Creation of a “Science of Rubber,” 1900–1940
Research Article

Participation, Authority, and Distributive Equity in East Timorese Development

Chris John Shepherd
Participation, Authority, and Distributive Equity in East Timorese Development
book review

Warwick Anderson, The Collectors of Lost Souls: Turning Kuru Scientists into Whitemen

Pauline Kusiak
Warwick Anderson, The Collectors of Lost Souls: Turning Kuru Scientists into Whitemen
Research Article

Singapore Biopolis: Bare Life in the City-State

Catherine Waldby
Singapore Biopolis: Bare Life in the City-State
book review

A Risk Called Life: Reproductive Strategies of Twentieth-Century Society

Aya Homei
A Risk Called Life: Reproductive Strategies of Twentieth-Century Society
Research Article

European Physicians and Botanists, Indigenous Herbal Medicine in the Dutch East Indies, and Colonial Networks of Mediation

Hans Pols
European Physicians and Botanists, Indigenous Herbal Medicine in the Dutch East Indies, and Colonial Networks of Mediation
Research Article

Boven Digoel and Terezín: Camps at the Time of Triumphant Technology

Rudolf Mrázek
Boven Digoel and Terezín: Camps at the Time of Triumphant Technology
Research Article

From Colonial Medicines to Global Pharmaceuticals? The Introduction of Sulfa Drugs in French Vietnam

Laurence Monnais
From Colonial Medicines to Global Pharmaceuticals? The Introduction of Sulfa Drugs in French Vietnam
Research Article

Making Health Public: English Language Newspapers and the Medical Sciences in Colonial Malaya (1840s–1941)

Kai Khiun Liew
Making Health Public: English Language Newspapers and the Medical Sciences in Colonial Malaya (1840s–1941)

Re-Orienting Sts: Emergent Studies of Science, Technology, and Medicine in Southeast Asia

Warwick Anderson
Re-Orienting Sts: Emergent Studies of Science, Technology, and Medicine in Southeast Asia
Coming soon