Seminar|The Global Environmental Crisis: The Limitations of Scientific Knowledge and the Necessity of Utopian Imagination

【 2025 陳紹馨社會學講座 2025 Chen Shao-hsing Memorial Lecture】

Topic:The Global Environmental Crisis: The Limitations of Scientific Knowledge and the Necessity of Utopian Imagination

📍 Speaker 主講者

John Lie(加州大學柏克萊分校社會學系特聘教授,Distinguished Professor of Sociology at the University of California, Berkeley)

📍 Host 主持人


📍  Panelist 與談人


Date &Time 時間


Venue 地點

臺灣大學社會社工系館319室 Room 319, NTU Social Work Building

Language 演講語言 :英文 English

Registration Link 報名連結  (表單由臺大社會管理):



📍 主辦單位:台大社會學系

📍 協辦單位:East Asian Science, Technology, and Society: An International Journal (EASTS)


面對當前的全球環境危機,人們為何意識有限、行動不足?John Lie教授於2024年底出版The Global Environmental Crisis一書,本次演講從本書出發,他認為我們需要新的觀點來反思如何面對這場重大的危機。科學知識對應對環境危機來說不可或缺,卻不能成為唯一依賴的對象。科學知識的世界觀以及知識分工,主導了整體性理解重大危機的可能性,並排除了跨學科的分析,還有進而行動的可能。人類傲慢地以為自己可以透過科學來掌握世界萬物,但對科學的信仰導致了我們無法看見風險與不確定性,對許多事件只理解為不幸。因此,我們需要「烏托邦想像」,來理解危機的本質以及思考另類行動的可能性。

Topic Introduction:

In the face of the global environmental crisis, why do humans remain unaware and inactive? In late 2024, Professor John Lie published The Global Environmental Crisis. This lecture builds on his book, in which he argues that we need new perspectives to rethink how we confront this critical challenge. While scientific knowledge is indispensable for addressing environmental crises, it cannot be our sole reliance. The scientistic worldview and the rigid division of knowledge have constrained our ability to grasp the crisis comprehensively, excluding interdisciplinary analysis and, consequently, the possibility of meaningful action. Humanity arrogantly believes that science allows us to control the world, but this blind faith in science has rendered us unable to perceive risks and uncertainties—merely as misfortunes. Therefore, we need utopian imagination to truly understand the nature of the crisis and explore alternative possibilities for action.


John Lie 教授現任教於加州大學柏克萊分校社會系,專長於社會理論、政治經濟學、認同與東亞研究。他出生於韓國首爾,在日本東京與美國夏威夷成長,也曾任教伊利諾大學香檳分校和密西根大學,並曾擔任柏克萊國際與區域研究學院院長。他的研究探討橫跨日本與韓國的族群與國族主義議題、東亞政治經濟、到最新的K-pop與環境危機。除了本次演講聚焦的著作,他還於2021年出版日本與永續社會的專書、2018年出版中國崛起與東亞國族主義的專書、2015年出版韓國流行文化的專書、2008年出版在日韓國人的離散與認同專書等。

Introduction of Speaker:

Professor John Lie currently teaches in the Department of Sociology at the University of California, Berkeley, specializing in social theory, political economy, identity, and East Asian studies. Born in Seoul, South Korea, he grew up in Tokyo, Japan, and Honolulu, Hawaii. He has taught at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the University of Michigan and previously served as the Dean of International and Area Studies at Berkeley. His research various topics from ethnicity and nationalism in Japan and Korea to East Asian political economy, as well as more recent studies on K-pop and environmental crises. In addition to the book featured in this lecture, his major works include Japan, the Sustainable Society (University of California Press, 2021), The Dream of East Asia: The Rise of China, Nationalism, Popular Memory, and Regional Dynamics in Northeast Asia (Association for Asian Studies, 2018), K-pop: Popular Music, Cultural Amnesia, and Economic Innovation in South Korea (University of California Press, 2015), and Zainichi (Koreans in Japan): Diasporic Nationalism and Postcolonial Identity (University of California Press, 2008).

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