Seminar|The Digital Politics of AI: An Ethnographic Introduction

The Digital Politics of AI: An Ethnographic Introduction

Speaker 講者

Dr. John Postill (DSC | School - Media & Communication, RMIT University 澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學)

Date &Time 時間

5/3 (Fri) 9:30-12:00(Sign in: 9:15開放入場)

Venue 地點

國立政治大學綜合院館南棟 5 樓國際會議廳 Conference Hall, 5F, South Wing, General Building, NCCU

Registration page 政大活動報名頁面(校外人士請先註冊帳號)

Registration 報名日期: - 5/2 12:00

English Lecture 本演講以英文進行

Organizers 主辦單位政大創新國際學院(ICI)、公共行政學系(NCCU Public Administration)、東亞科技與社會研究國際期刊(EASTS);Co-organizers 協辦單位:g0v 台灣零時政府

Introduction 活動簡介:

As the study of digital politics continues to grow rapidly, more scholars and students take an interest in the politicisation of the digital sphere and the digitisation of the political field. Dr. John Postill identified four interlinked domains of digital (aka ‘nerd’) politics: digital rights, data activism, social protest, and formal politics and advocated an ethnographic approach to their study. The current boom in the use of ChatGPT and other artificial intelligence (AI) tools raises intriguing questions about their political and policy-making implications. This boom also poses major challenges for ethnographers of digital politics.

In this talk, we'll delve into debates surrounding data activism, automated decision-making, predictive policing, AI as a ‘black box’, and ChatGPT as a ‘bullshit genre’ app. Join us for an exploratory, open-ended session and reflect on your AI experiences.

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