From 1999 to 2019, I can roughly count a short history of STS in Taiwan as two decades. In this short article intended as an "informal history," I roughly divide the article into three parts: an early history of STS' emergence in Taiwan, the social and cognitive trends of STS after 2007 with their fruits and consequences, and a focus on some recent theoretical trends concerning the yearnings for a distinctive East Asian STS. In an earlier article (Fu 2012) about Taiwan's intellectual and political currents (1960s-1990s) for the semicentennial publication of Thomas Kuhn's SSR, I stressed the importance of two postwar traditions of analytic philosophy and history of (Chinese) science and then what had grown from their alliance: Taiwan's history and philosophy of science (HPS) trend (e.g., TJPHS) since the late 1980s in the era of post-martial law.' This HPS and its later developments, especially with the popularity of Kuhn and Paul Feyerabend's critical philosophies and some feminist/sociological studies of science and medicine, roughly paved the way for an early "science studies" horizon at the beginning of twenty-first-century Taiwan.